Papers chosen as Best Session Papers will be nominated for the Best Paper Award. The Organizing Committee will select the Best Paper for each theme based on paper quality and feedback from session chairs on presentation quality. The winners will receive a certificate as well as a monetary award. During the valedictory function, winners will be recognized.
During the valedictory ceremony, four awards will be handed to researchers under the age of 40 for their outstanding scientific contributions. The researcher should complete the work with a maximum of three authors. If an author wishes to be considered for the "Young Researcher Award," they should state so at the top of the Abstract by writing "PAPER FOR THE YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD." The author of the winning paper must personally present the work during the conference's awards ceremony. The award session will take place only if a sufficient number of papers are submitted to support the award nomination. Aside from the award, honorees will receive complimentary registration to the following conference.